In view of recent developments in our society involving the escalation of sexual misconduct and sexual abuse and increasing reports of pedophilia even within church settings and violent and even deadly attacks against churches and their members, it has become crucial to employ practical security measures in order to help protect our youth and our congregation at large from malicious acts of sexual perversion as well as other actions of downright evil and wickedness.
Therefore, Grace Baptist has taken numerous steps to help secure our congregation. Among these security efforts are the following:
Youth Ministry
All individuals who minister to our youth in any official capacity have undergone criminal background checks on both the local and national levels. (Youth are defined as children birth to eighteen years old.)
Building Access
Selected outside doors of our church building are opened only at designated times during Sunday morning and Wednesday evening services. Ushers are available and will gladly assist our guests in finding suitable entry into the worship facility.
Lethal Force
The pastor and designated church leadership may carry concealed weapons at their discretion for the expressed purpose of controlling a dangerous situation and/or stopping a deadly threat that has evolved during the assembly of our church family.