“Does Hell know your name?” This was the penetrating question ask of me by one of my former seminary professors. “Are you a threat to Hell?” he continued . . . In other words, is my love for Jesus Christ and my Christian witness to the world such that the demons of Hell know who I am? Is my faith negatively impacting Satan’s kingdom in a threatening and destructive way? This line of questioning is clearly anchored in biblical reality, reflecting an account of the “seven sons of Sceva” (Acts 19) in which an evil spirit questions these sons saying, “I recognize Jesus, and I know about [the Apostle] Paul, but who are you?”
My teacher, a serious prayer warrior and faithful Christian servant, was trying to impress upon his class the impact and importance of a life “well-lived for Jesus.” This questioning of whether or not Hell actually knows my name has driven me to serious reflection over the years regarding my personal faith and witness as a born-again child of God. The Bible plainly instructs us that we are to “Go and make disciples.” This means, therefore, that the first thing we must do is to go and proclaim the gospel message of God’s love through Jesus to everyone we can, starting with where we are in life. This biblical mandate is unquestionable!
So, what does this mean—whether Hell knows your name? Well, if it does know your name, then your life is making a genuine difference for Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God. If it doesn’t, then your life is not having the kind of impact that God ultimately desires.
I shall never forget the gripping words once read from the works of Richard Baxter, a 17th century Puritan. They are as follows, “Is this all thy compassion for lost sinners? Wilt thou do no more to seek and save them? . . . Shall they die and be in Hell before thou wilt speak to them one serious word to prevent it? Shall they there curse thee for ever that thou didst no more in time to save them?” Such cries of conscience are daily ringing in my ears, though, the Lord knows, I have too little obeyed them . . . How can you choose, when you are laying a corpse in the grave, but think with yourselves, “Here lieth the body; but where is the soul? And what have I done for it, before it departed? It was part of my charge; what account can I give of it?”
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, does Hell know your name?
In Reflection—Dennis