WHEREAS, The Scriptures instruct us that the redemption of mankind began in the heart and mind of God the Father from eternity past (Gen 3:15, Eph 1:3-4); and
WHEREAS, We encounter in the Old Testament a loving God who is outwardly focused, a loving God who is raising up His people Israel to see Him, a loving God who desires to show His glory to the nations (Gen 12:3, Ps 67); and
WHEREAS, We encounter in the New Testament the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ instructing His followers to go and make disciples, thereby reminding believers today that they must make disciples as well (Matt 28:18-20); and
WHEREAS, We recognize that making disciples begins with the “going,” proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That missions remains a critical task for the local church; and be it further
RESOLVED, That this church family, Grace Baptist Church, will absolutely commit to at least one mission trip per year, balancing local and distant destinations; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the motivation for such missional activities is to make a vital contribution to the Christian cause that all the ends of the earth would turn to the Lord God and all the families on earth would bow down in worship to Him, the one and only true God.